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A fair mineral buyer & educator
for sellers. 

We exist to Level the Playing Field.

If you've owned oil and gas royalties for any amount of time, you might have felt like you've got a target on your back. There are a lot of people that want to make you offers but it always seems like they've got the upper hand. And you can't go look up a fair price in a magazine or website to find out what the market is your area like you could for your house.

But it doesn't have to be this way.  

The Market is Changing

Historically, the market for mineral rights – if you could even call it a market – was characterized by small, “fly-by-night“ players who bought assets based on speculation or inside knowledge of future development. It was a world where the mineral buyers (the “informed”) had a significant advantage over the mineral owners (the“uninformed”).  Naturally this meant significant and well deserved distrust of mineral buyers by mineral owners. 

After that, the entry of institutional capital, outfits with the ability and interest to invest much larger amounts at once in the space meant the emergence of a professional mineral buying class.  This has led to the formation of a true “market,” where the traditional laws of supply and demand are more apparent. This was, in many ways, good for the industry, but the asymmetry of information (and resulting lack of trust) still pervades the space. Mineral owning Sellers remained "food" for the big machine, not real people with lives and deep ties to their land.

But it doesn't have to stay this way.  

Minerals Guy &
The New Playing Field

Mineral asset valuation has been something that buyers have been happy to keep a secret art.  But in truth, it's an uncomplicated process and anyone can learn it. That's what will level the playing field.

At Minerals Guy, we believe that educated sellers make the best deal partners. That's why we're here, to offer what we know with people who are eager to learn. Through videos, blogs, and deep-dive articles, we're sharing uncomplicated knowledge to help you better understand what you own, how the market works, and what your real options are.

Bring your curiosity and questions to our education center and explore the new playing field.

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We Want to Hear Your
'Land Story'

After you get comfortable, give us a call. Share what you've learned, and get your questions answered.  More importantly, tell us your land story. Minerals are a part of our histories, they are passed from generation to generation. Every mineral owner has their own story, and we love hearing them. 

If you're ready to explore selling, we'll be happy to share what we think a fair price for your assets would be, and help you understand how we came up with that price.  If you think holding onto them for now is the right thing, keep checking in and keep up to date on the minerals market with our steady flow of market insights.

Meet Your Guy

Steven Hatcher is the Minerals Guy, an educator, buyer, lawyer, husband and dad. 
He's a lover of square deals and has made it his mission to level the playing field by sharing uncomplicated knowledge with mineral owners.

Because a square deal is a fair deal, and a fair deal is the right deal.

Get to know Steven>>>